Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Hello everyone, my name is Emily, and welcome to my blog!

I'll start off by saying that I'm NO writer... at all... but I have been journaling my rides for a few months now, and think that doing so in an online format will be fun to track my progress over the summer and beyond.

So a bit about me... I'm a recent (broke) college grad with a BFA in New Media Design Practices. Sounds fancy, but I assure you it's not. I am 22, and have been riding (off and on) since my early teen years, and every moment I wish that I could just ride and not have to adult ever.

Semi-recent image of me and my cool horse in a lesson.

And above is the star of the show... my perfect little dude. He's my trainer's horse, and I've been riding him for about 5 years. His name is Otis Township and he's a 2001 OTTB... but we call him Boat because he's giant and slow like a cruise ship. Yeah, that doesn't sound ideal for an eventer, but he LOVES cross country (except water, and mud, and basically anything wet... hold your laughter please).

And now for a couple pics of him on XC.

Can you spot the excited horse? I sure can!

I am back to leasing him again, with the hopes of purchase once I get this whole adulting thing figured out. He's a super awkward ride, and still has a ton to learn, but we have learned a lot together over the past couple years, and we hope to get to Training before it's time for him to retire.

So back to the blog: it will feature posts about rides, lessons, shows (lol next year... post-graduate me can't afford to show this year), budget-related musings, etc. 

Because I haven't figured out a good way to end a post yet!

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