Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I haven't neglected posting because I am lazy (ok maybe a little), a LOT has been going on. So now to get myself all caught up in a boring tiny condensed post instead of the nice posts I had planned before life said "no". I apologize for the lack of media and will have a media-filled post coming up as soon as I can with all of the media I have since I posted last.

So I got laid off of my part-time super fun degree-related job. Everyone did except for my boss. So that sucked. Having a horse to support, I naturally freaked out. So now I am working full time on minimum wage at my other job... not a great solution, but it works. This meant that I was working disgusting hours and so I haven't been riding much. Like... MAYBE 2 times a week. Cool.

I've jumped a couple times since then, my lovely horsey friend came and set me up some fun jumps, and we had a couple decent dressage schools. But mostly the Little-Boat-That-Could has been being lunged quickly after work because I only have an hour after work before the barn closes.

Non-riding-wise he has had the farrier come out, who said that his feet are "the kind of feet you pray for every night." (We have a plan to help them out a little... he's not wrong)... The dentist has come out and told me that his teeth are that of a 22-year-old horse (he's 15) and didn't believe me that he is only 15. So basically he is a wreck, but his attitude has been mostly willing and he's still the best horse ever and he's gained 16 pounds this month (YAY!) and is slowly developing topline muscle. It's not all bad!

And recently, I have gone through another schedule change. I now work at 5am every day until 1. This is good because it means I can go ride whenever I am not dead tired, but as a night owl, it has been ROUGH to get used to. I am still doing so.

So there's the update, and now I can start posting regularly again as long as life doesn't continue to change at a whirlwind pace.